Category: Uncategorized

Picture This!

Paul’s next phase in his journey was to obey.  What does Webster say it is to obey?  Obey means to follow commands or guidance of.  Obedience means an act or instance of obeying.  Picture this.….just regaining your sight, wrapped in a new understanding you decide to make a lifetime commitment to obey.  Why would you …

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Love Adventure? Do you know about Paul’s journey?  What a u-turn he made. Temporarily blinded, following a voice, he made an incredible journey.  The journey all started with a life-changing u-turn.  Stay tuned to take an adventure with Paul down a new road.  VBS 2018 Jungle River Adventure

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Are you busy?

 Are you a busy person?  Do you feel like there is not enough time to get everything done? There is hope.  This verse is a sweet reminder that God can help; He is our hope.  When we take the time to talk to Him we are seeking His advice, blessings, guidance, etc but how do we …

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Mission Trip

We are going on a short mission trip the weekend of April 20th.  Please be much in prayer for the work will be doing and the people we will be contact with.  We are excited to be able to help out in the community.  If you have questions please use the contact us feature on …

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A Message to Share

In the past 2 weeks we have seen a lot of post about Rev. Billy Graham.  On Facebook we have seen old videos appear from some of his crusades, the media has shown a lot of interviews and some clips of the crusades, etc.  Have you noticed, there is only one message?  The Cross was …

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“This Is My Commandment, That You Love One Another As I Have Loved You.  Greater Love Has No One Than This, Than To Lay Down One’s Life For His Friends.” (Jn.15:12,13) It’s that time of year again.  Store shelves overflow with symbols of love.   REd hearts, pink roses, balloons, cards, candy, and stuffed animals that …

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