Category: Uncategorized

Heart and Mind

How much does what you think really determine how you act and what you say?  Always.  Shocking? Perhaps.  This world tends to give us representation of toxic thoughts rather than focusing on God’s truth.  These thoughts tend to affect our relationships and how we behave.  Proverbs 4:4-5 He also taught me, and said to me:  Let …

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Are You Ready?

Revelation 16:15 “Behold, I am coming as a thief.  Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.” Revelation 22:20 “He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Jesus is coming back and He is coming soon.  Are you ready?  Do you …

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God is Good

On the mountain top when all is right in your world to being in the valley when your world falls apart it is God who gives you peace!  He always is with you.  We sometimes fight submitting ourselves, our problems, our thanksgiving to Him but when we do He wraps us in immeasurable Grace and Love!  …

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Join us for our Homecoming Services and Revival.  The guest speakers are listed below.  We will also have special music throughout the week! A covered dish meal will be served Sunday after Worship Service.  We look forward to fellowship with family and friends. Sunday morning Homecoming Service–Johnny Williams Sunday  6pm–Roger Nance Monday 7 pm–Eric Cook …



Unshakable! “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7 Paul’s words are a true statement of his life following Jesus. The world would have us follow the latest fads, most popular football team, the current “bandwagon”, but at the end of the road can …


Let Me Tell You

We all have good and bad days.  It’s how we handle these days that matter.  What do people see in you?  Ever heard the old saying “practice what you preach”?  Paul’s life is evidence that he “practiced what he preached”.  Can the world see the love of Christ in your day to day actions?

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To The Work

Are you just an ordinary person?  Would you like to be extraordinary?  Impact the world?  Be remembered?  Paul was just an ordinary person.  God used him to an extraordinary person, who impacted the world and is definitely remembered.  God can and wants to use you too!

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