
“This Is My Commandment, That You Love One Another As I Have Loved You.  Greater Love Has No One Than This, Than To Lay Down One’s Life For His Friends.” (Jn.15:12,13)

It’s that time of year again.  Store shelves overflow with symbols of love.   REd hearts, pink roses, balloons, cards, candy, and stuffed animals that sing love songs.  All over the world, February 14th is the day to express love, affection, and appreciation for precious people in your life.  But, it’s just as important to show little acts of kindness the other 364 days of the year!  They tend to mean more most of the time.  They weren’t expected.

I heard a funny story once about a guy who was thoroughly henpecked.  Whatever his wife wanted, he did.  Troubled by his own timidity, he enrolled in a class to learn how to become more assertive.  When he finished the course, he wanted to try out what he learned on his wife.  That night upon arriving home, he declared: “Woman, I’m gonna sit down in my recliner while you fix my favor supper!”  She was surprised by his tone and demeanor but willingly complied.  After he wolfed down his meal and scarcely a thank you, he said, “Woman, I want you to go draw me a hot bath.  I’m gonna relax there while you clean up the kitchen.”  Surprise was now becoming a boiling pot!  When she finally returned from her latest chore, he called out from the bathroom, “Woman, do you know who is now going to dress me and comb my hair?”  “Yes I do”, she replied, “the undertaker!”

I believe he would have fared a lot better if he had followed the biblical command to love his wife as Christ loved the Church!  A little less assertion and a little more affection! Who know, she may have even combed his hair!  Flowers will die, candy gets eaten, balloons will pop, stuffed animals may stop singing.  Cards may get lost or discarded, but the love that is shared with another, and especially God’s love for us will never pass away.

There is an unusual verse of Scripture in the 85th Psalm that really arrested my attention several years ago.  Verse 10 says: “Mercy And Truth Have Met Together; Righteousness And Peace Have Kissed.”  Does that not sound odd?  You kn ow a kiss from a loved one is a beautiful thing.  A precious expression of endearment, a symbol of affection for someone dear.  Wedding vows are usually sealed with a kiss.  A tender promise of forever love.

I read a touching story recently that spoke to my heart and reminded me of that Psalm and God’s forever love for me.  Actually the story as told by a surgeon who had performed an operation to remove a tumor from the cheek of this young married woman.  In order to remove the growth, he had to cut a little nerve that affected the muscles of her mouth.  One side was kind of drawn as if it were palsied.  On the other side of her hospital bed stood her young husband gazing at her lovingly.  The young woman asked the doctor, “Will my mouth always be like this?”  The surgeon replied, ” I’m afraid it will.  It’s because the nerve was cut.”  She just nodded and was sadly quiet.  But her husband smiled and said, “I like it, it’s kind of cute”, and he bent over to kiss her crooked mouth, twisting his own lips to meet hers, to show her that their kiss still works.

Now think about that verse in Psalm 85.  Consider how God really did the same thing for us when He fashioned Himself in the form of flesh and became a man in the Lord Jesus Christ!  Look at all He did to prove His forever love!  The God of the universe bent down from Heaven and expressed His supernatural love for sinful “disfigured” people!

There should be a day that celebrates love.  But while Valentine’s Day focuses mainly on romantic love, there’s a lifetime of days to love the Lord, and to let Him love others though me.  I am so very thankful for my precious life partner. My love for her grows with each passing year.  I could never be thankful enough for e the love of my family and my sweet church family.  But mos of all, I am so grateful that 37 years ago God’s righteousness and peace “kissed: in my heart!  Love you church and pray for you a great month in February.


Brother Eddie