People Who Gave Thanks with All Their Heart

We find ourselves in a special season that focuses on the act of giving thanks.  People hang banners across their mantles proclaiming “give thanks” and others share on Facebook something they are grateful for each day in November.  But Thanksgiving is more than a day or month.  Thanksgiving is something we are called to do everyday.  In the good and the bad, in the ups and downs, our natural response should be gratitude.  Good things we have some great examples in the Bible.  Many men and women we consider pillars of the faith represented an attitude of thanksgiving so well.

Hannah was barren but the other wife had many children,  She was taunted regularly and Hannah’s misery was indeed immense.  One night, while in the temple, Hannah prayed fervently for a child, so much so that the priest Eli thought she was drunk.  Hannah prayed that if God would give her a child, she would give that child back to Him.  Eli blessed her request and soon after she conceived a boy named Samuel, who would become the great prophet of Israel.  What’s beautiful about this story is that she did indeed give her son back to the Lord–she gave Samuel to Eli.  Hannah’s praise wasn’t just the reflection of an answer to prayer, but it proceeded giving up her son.  With all her heart she praised God in the aftermath of turning over her biggest prayer request.  With all her heart she praised God in the aftermath of turning over her biggest prayer request.  David danced before the Lord in the streets as response of praise to his holy God.  He worshiped after the death of his son.  David is a man known for praise.  Even in the darkest seasons of his life–as we see in the Psalms–he pointed back to the goodness of God.  No matter what season David found himself in, he always had the perspective of praise.  I’m sure it wasn’t always easy but he knew thanksgiving was always necessary.  Mary, Mother of Jesus–Finding out she was pregnant with the Savior of the world wasn’t the easiest news to swallow and the aftermath took some faith.  But Mary, the young girl chosen to carry the baby Jesus, would exemplify great praise in a beautiful song of praise known as the Magnificat, gave thanks to the Lord for being the chosen to bear the incarnate Son of God ( Luke 1:46-55).  The Healed Leper — When Jesus entered a village there were ten lepers that called out to him for healing.  JEsus told them to go show themselves to the priest and as they did, all ten were healed.  Only one returned to Jesus to thank him.  Only one!  That man threw himself at the feet of Jesus and gave immense thanks.  It’s both amazing and sad to think that only one man returned to give thanks for healing from a debilitating disease.  When nine vanished into the crowd one gave thanks where thanks was due.  Don’t be like one of the nine that was blessed and moved on.  Stop and give incredible thanks for all God has and is doing in your life!  Others might include Miriam, the older sister of Moses, Job, Jonah, Then man formerly known as “Legion”, Paul, and Silas, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and many others, but the best example of Thanksgivings is ……..Jesus.  He was God and didn’t have to give thanks for anything, but He often did.  Jesus set a remarkable example for us in many ways but one was in thanksgiving.  He was a man who gave praise to the Father in so  many ways.  He gave thanks as he was surrounded by thousands of hungry people and multiplied the food.  He gave thanks to God for hearing His prayer for the raising of Lazarus–before Lazarus rose from the grave.  He knew the cross was before Him and gave thanks to the Father as He broke bread and drank the cup with the disciples.  We have a perfect example of righteous living from Jesus and one thing He shows us is the position of praise and thanksgiving.  what I find interesting is that all three of these instances were instances we might find tense.  The pressure to feed thousands, raise a friend from the grave, and face death on a cross would be intense for any of us.  Jesus’ response was never to panic or run to people, but to turn to the Father.

How can you find that position of praise in your life today?  What might you do to cultivate a natural response of thanksgiving?  Not just this month, but in all times.

Pastor Eddie Beck

Join us for a Thanksgiving meal on Sunday November 19th after Worship Service and a special Thanksgiving service, Tuesday, November 21st at 7:00.